On Thursday 15th March the Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine (CITCM) hosted an event titled 'Legal Aspects of Doing Business in China'. The event was co-organised by CITCM and the LSBU law department. During the event four lectures were delivered by top experts in the field. The lectures gave the audience an overview of some crucial do's and don'ts of doing business in China and with Chinese clients.

The event was opened by Guo Jiaqi (Chinese Lector at CITCM). Speeches were then delivered by 4 experts. Jeff Benz, a Door Tenant at 4 New Square Chambers, spoke about ADR in the international context. Dennis Lin, Director of the China Desk at Santander UK, delivered an insightful speech which Introduced Santander and their international strategy. Avi Nagal, a representative from the China Britain Business Council (CBBC) delivered a speech on finding partners in China and the importance of this in a relationship based economy. Avi Nagal also spoke about exporting to China and gave a brief introduction to CBBC’s work. Zhen Ye, a paralegal at King and Wood Mallesons, spoke about her personal experiences of being a Chinese Paralegal in the UK. She began by talking about her career path, including her work at her current company KWM, she then finished the talk by discussing observations from working with Chinese clients in the UK.
After the speeches there was a question and answer session and some very thoughtful questions were raised. Overall the event was a great success and very insightful.
CITCM is committed to enhancing cross-cultural communication and engagement in the fields of education, research and industry.